


teen anxiety is prevalent in a post-pandemic world

How Teens Can Deal with Anxiety in a Post-Pandemic World

After over a year of isolation and restrictions, schools in the United States are preparing to bring students back into the classroom. This is definitely something to celebrate. But we also need to be mindful of what this will be like for many adolescents and teens who suffer from anxiety. Their lives changed radically, and the extended isolation of the pandemic created a new set of challenges that they were forced to adapt to and become familiar with.

Now all of that is about to be turned on its head, sending these teens back into a torrent of social interaction and scrutiny they may not be ready to accept. Many have internalized the anxiety around public places and hygiene and will not be able to drop it overnight. The key to overcoming pandemic anxiety is being careful and taking the changes slowly, with parents watching out for signs that their teen is struggling. If teen mental health therapy, medication, and other interventions haven’t helped your teen, contact our Toledo behavioral health clinic by calling 833.698.0453 to speak to a therapist.

Teen Anxiety in The “New” School Environment of Overstimulation

One of the hallmarks of anxiety is dwelling on negative emotions and fears. This can become an endless feedback loop that can be very hard for teens to pull themselves out of, especially if their usual social support networks have withered throughout the pandemic. 

They have become accustomed to the quiet isolation of online learning and social distancing for better or worse. As onsite schooling looms just around the corner, parents should watch out for the following:

  • Increased nervousness or dread expressed around new social gatherings and school
  • Loss of sleep
  • Sudden change in weight or appearance
  • New risk-taking behavior 
  • Complaints of physical pain and tension

During online learning, teens with anxiety did have some advantages. For example, they had much more control over their level of presence in classes and groups. They could even say they were having connection problems and just disconnect from the lesson entirely.

Understandably, many teens would be worried about returning to an environment with no exits, where they are forced to engage socially with adults and peers on someone else’s terms. 

Teens Can Learn Skills to Deal With Anxiety in the Post-Pandemic World

Before school starts, there are steps that families can take to get their teens ready for the transition. Some good strategies to consider include:

  • Returning to pre-pandemic sleep schedules and routines — Begin sleeping earlier and getting up earlier to prepare for real-life commuting. This works best if the whole family is on board, with parents modeling the attitude that things are about to change.
  • Talk to your teen about friendships and outside events — Summer is a good time to encourage face-to-face reunions with friends and other family members, so your teens get a more pressure-free chance to dust off their social skills. Organized sports are great because they run on a schedule like a school.
  • Be ready to validate a range of emotions — Teens with anxiety may go through a range of negative emotions as the transition occurs. You can help them by encouraging them to talk about it and affirming that it is completely normal. Even better, model the practice by being honest with your own feelings about returning to onsite work.

Does Your Teen Need Professional Mental Health Treatment?

There is nothing wrong with admitting that you and the rest of your family are not equipped to treat an anxiety disorder. Beyond Healthcare can help. Our professional team uses mental health therapies centered on holistic treatment that recognizes the needs of your whole family, as well as all the complexities of your struggling teen. Don’t try to do it alone if it’s too much.

Beyond Healthcare mental health treatment is highly personalized for each teen learner and their family and can include:

We want to be as flexible as possible to accommodate your family. We also have a special program called Community Connections that brings together other families with a vast pool of professionals and alumni from our treatment plans who will be there to support and encourage you. Therapy alone isn’t enough for people with mental health issues, and we want to make sure your family has all the resources possible. Learn more about Community Connections and teen group therapy here.

Group Therapy for Teens at Beyond Healthcare

Call us today at 833.698.0453. We are ready to answer any of your questions and lead you through the details of our treatments. We want to work with you to create a care plan to let you and your family thrive.

We accept both Medicaid and private insurance. Contact us today by calling 833.698.0453 to offer your teen the psychological and psychiatric care they need.