


a teen turns to virtual therapy during the holidays

Virtual Therapy Is Available During the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us. While the holiday season is often a time for happy celebrations with family and friends, the joy associated with the holidays can also be mixed with apprehension, depression, and tension for many. Factors like family drama, financial strains, over-commitment, travel, and lofty expectations can leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Add in that daylight savings time leaves many getting up in the dark and going to and from school or work in the dark, and it is no wonder that so many people suffer from conditions like the winter blues or seasonal affective disorder. Virtual therapy during the holidays offers the support you need in the comfort of your own home.

At Beyond Healthcare, we believe that exceptional mental health services should be easy to access. We also know that the holiday season can be hectic; driving to an appointment may be inconvenient. We proudly offer telehealth therapy for your adolescent, teen, or family during the holidays when many people find themselves in need of extra support. To learn more or schedule an appointment, contact us online or by calling 833.698.0453.

Why We Provide Telehealth Therapy

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth was a poorly used resource, but it has become more widely used. At Beyond Healthcare, we aim to remove obstacles that prevent adolescents and families from getting the help they need and deserve. Remote therapy is one way we achieve that goal. We also provide services in our center, within the community, and through at-home visits. Additionally, we go beyond traditional office hours, offering evening and weekend appointments.

Enabling families to have access to therapy from the convenience of their home results in higher engagement rates. It allows people to stay connected despite barriers such as inclement weather, scheduling conflicts, or lack of transportation. We offer a variety of telehealth services, including:

  • Virtual assessment and diagnosis
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Care coordination and case management
  • Community connections
  • Medication management

No matter where you receive our services, the team at Beyond Healthcare provides compassionate, evidence-based, and holistic therapy designed to meet your adolescent’s and family’s unique needs. In addition to therapy, you will receive education, skills training, and community support, all designed to help your family heal and grow.

What Are the Benefits of Telehealth Therapy?

When you take advantage of Beyond Healthcare’s telehealth therapy option, you can expect benefits such as:

  • Safety during COVID-19 and beyond
  • Reduced scheduling delays
  • Reduced stigma
  • Convenience
  • Affordability
  • Accessibility
  • Improved continuity of care and follow-up

Telehealth therapy makes it possible to bring life-changing services to adolescents and families who might not otherwise have access. Telehealth eliminates the time and cost associated with transportation and makes it easier to fit appointments around work and school schedules. During the holidays, access to virtual therapy means that travel or busy schedules do not cause your adolescent or family to miss appointments.

Beyond Healthcare Offers More Than Telehealth Therapy

Therapy is a critical component of mental health treatment, but it is only one piece of comprehensive care. Holistic care that connects mind, body, and spirit helps adolescents, teens, and families make lasting changes. Families need to feel connected to other families who can relate to their experiences and struggles. Our community connections program helps eliminate the stigma associated with mental health and provides parents with a solid support network. Other services we offer include:

  • Outpatient groups
  • Partial hospitalization program (PHP)
  • Day treatment program
  • After-school program
  • Family treatment and coaching
  • Education about mental health disorders
  • Alumni program

At Beyond Healthcare, we offer flexible and convenient scheduling options, including remote therapy to help your family heal and grow while navigating the challenges associated with mental health issues.

Contact Beyond Healthcare to Learn About Remote Therapy Options

Contact the Beyond Healthcare team today to learn more about our services, including telehealth therapy. We know that the holidays can be busier than usual and bring an added layer of stress, anxiety, or depression. Virtual therapy during the holidays can accommodate your schedule and provide the extra support you need by keeping you connected with therapists and other families through virtual groups. Use our secure online form or call us today at 833.698.0453 to schedule an appointment.