


a young person talks to a therapist during adolescent day treatment

Who Is a Good Candidate for Day Treatment?

It can be frightening when your adolescent or teen is given a solid mental health diagnosis. As a parent, you might feel that they will have to live with a stigma that might harm them or hold them back. But in truth, having a diagnosis can be good news: it means that you now know where to start with helpful treatment and support instead of guessing about troubling behavior or academic concerns. Summer can be an excellent time to address behavior concerns in a welcoming, non-competitive environment. An adolescent day treatment program offers immediate support and help for long-term healing.

Some adolescents and adolescents in this position may benefit from medication, and most of them will need a good therapist. But what if weekly therapy just isn’t working, and they are still struggling with daily life and social interactions? Don’t feel like you’ve failed; there are many levels of possible treatment out there. If you are dealing with school suspension, behavioral health concerns, or other issues related to adolescent psychology and psychiatry, contact Beyond Healthcare to learn about our adolescent and teen behavioral day treatment program in Toledo by calling 833.698.0453.

What Is Day Treatment?

At Beyond Healthcare, our adolescent day treatment program is the same as an intensive outpatient program (IOP), and it is designed for teens who have a mental health diagnosis and need more support than traditional therapy can provide. The program is structured to help adolescents learn skills that will allow them to better manage their moods, emotions, and behaviors. Our approach includes:

  • Psychiatry – Our psychiatrists provide medication and monitoring for mental health diagnoses.
  • Individual Counseling – Our therapists work with adolescents to create individual treatment plans that are tailored to their needs, helping them identify tools and strategies to better manage issues.
  • Group therapy – Teens come together to discuss and tackle important topics in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Family counseling – We work with the family as a whole to help parents understand their adolescent’s condition, so they can better support them.
  • Experiential therapy – We provide experiential activities to help adolescents develop self-awareness, communication skills, and other important life skills.

We also provide specialized services like medication management, which can be especially helpful for adolescents struggling with mental health issues.

Teen Mental Health Treatment Is a Healthy Opportunity

A day treatment program is one of the best evidence-based therapeutic tools for adolescents and teens who are not making regular therapy progress. Adolescent day treatment is usually done after school or for longer hours during vacation breaks, which means more consistent time spent in guided therapy.

The social challenges facing teens with mental health issues often prevent them from making any progress with their communication skills, but a good day treatment program will allow them to grow and learn in a non-judgmental and inclusive environment. Adolescents who become learners in our programs are carefully and individually placed in therapy groups with other kids who have a similar diagnosis, where they will learn skills like:

  • Emotional and behavior management strategies to reduce the severity of their symptoms
  • Holistic mind and body approach to their self-understanding and self-esteem
  • Conscious strategies for happier and more productive everyday living
  • Forming strong social bonds and better communication with empathetic peers

At Beyond Healthcare, we have found that any form of group therapy that allows same-age peers in similar situations to work and learn together leads to better results and more lasting success with treatment. Not only will they be supported, but our learners have fun with great therapy options, which include games, art, and music.

Does My Teen Need Mental Health Treatment?

Sometimes more intensive individual therapy will allow adolescents and adolescents to make progress. But day therapy is worth considering if you feel that the following are true:

  • Daily life is a constant struggle, especially in social situations at school.
  • They have been diagnosed with a mental health condition, and your family doctor or therapist believes they could achieve more through group and behavioral interventions.
  • Previous, less intensive forms of therapy have not worked.
  • They are not in any imminent danger to themselves or others.

Common adolescent mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, ASD, and ADHD can be debilitating if not treated well. Day therapy under professional guidance allows adolescents and teens to feel better about themselves and make lasting progress.

Community Connections for Teens and Families at Beyond Healthcare

Beyond Healthcare is dedicated to meeting our learners and their families in the communities we serve right here in Toledo. We believe in a holistic approach to building our inclusive and supportive treatment community. The Community Connections program at Beyond Healthcare brings together our licensed professionals with our learner families and program alumni. We are proud of the authentic connections that come out of this program, giving you real skills and support from people who care just as much as you do. To learn more about Community Connections or details about our other programs, take a look here.

Personalized Behavioral Health Summer Programs

We are experts at holistic care for adolescents and teens aged 11-17. Every adolescent is different, and that means that good therapy and treatment plans have to be flexible and well-customized to the needs of each of our learners and their families. Whether it means meeting at our Toledo center, online, or in the community, we will make sure that our support works with your schedule and does not interrupt the daily life of our teens.

Beyond Healthcare is equipped to give excellent licensed care for a number of mental health conditions for adolescents and teens, including:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Self-harming behavior
  • Developmental disorders
  • Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Addictions and co-occurring disorders

Our team also specializes in providing teen mental health assessments and diagnosis services so that we can properly identify the core issues your teen is facing and ensure that they get the specific care they need.

Mental Health Treatment for Teens at Beyond Healthcare

Contact us at 833.698.0453 today and ask us about any of our programs and get you started on a path to wellness for your whole family. Learn about how our treatment will be specifically crafted for your situation. We’d love to welcome you into our supportive and inclusive community.